Taking a Shower in the Backcountry Is a Guilty Pleasure!

If you thought you’d have to forgo a hot shower while backpacking in the backcountry think again. This guilty pleasure can be yours with no inconvenience at all.

When we go camping with our family and there are no wash houses available we bring along our large portable solar shower. Filled up with cold water we let the bag sit in the sun for a few hours and then hang from a tree.

There is enough hot water, heated by the sun for everyone to get clean by.

The same is true for backpackers. We found a very small and lightweight portable solar shower that fits in the palm of your hand when folded up. Nothing really feels better after a hot day of hiking than a warm shower to wash away all the sweat, dirt and bug spray. That’s what a portable backpacking solar shower can offer.

Even when you’re backpacking you can still take a shower. Imagine taking a nice warm shower after a long hot day exploring the woods, hiking along dusty trails and climbing rocks, logs and trees.

Portable showers are heated up with the solar power of the sun and can get very warm in a short period of time.

A portable shower or portable outdoor shower is a great way to get clean while you’re away. They will hold enough water for a couple of hikers to have a quick wash at the end of the day.

They are usually constructed from heavy duty tough plastic, black on one side and clear on the other. The one we use for backpacking trips is made of a black coloured heavier duty waterproof fabric.

A handle at the top with rope to hang and tie from a tree branch or other tall, sturdy post and a hose with a shower head attached at the bottom.

The shower head can be turned on or off by either pushing/pulling the shower head or twisting it open and close. A portable outdoor shower will come in different sizes so check this out before buying so you get what your needs are.

Fill it with water, leave it out in the sun and then hang to shower! Of course use biodegradeable soap and hang your shower at least 200 feet from any nearby stream or fresh water source.

Showering in the backcountry might seem like an unnecessary luxury but after a hot day of hiking this is one lightweight luxury I make sure to pack with me.

Happy Hiking!

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The Northern Sierra: Plumas Country

Today’s travelers find Plumas National Forest and its surroundings bursting with fishing, hiking, and memories of the Gold Rush era. All of the Southern Sierras in California are well-known thanks to treasures like Yosemite National Park, the northern end of this famous range also has a great deal to offer. […]
The Northern Sierra: Plumas Country

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