Traveling in Mexico: Cuautla – Have You Ever Eaten Chicken Feet?

Have you ever eaten chicken feet? How about barbequed chicken necks? What? I thought not. So, while you’re in Cuautla you’ll have your chance. Don’t miss it! Now here’s what you need to do:

Hotel Colon

Address: Main Plaza

Phone: 352 – 2186

The premiere place for people-watching smack dab on the Zocalo. Meals are of local fare and modestly priced. The day’s offerings are written on a standing menu posted right out front on the sidewalk complete with prices. The wall-less dining area is just an extension of the Zocalo sidewalk, so you could spend hours here just sippin’ “Jamaica” and winkin’ at the passers-by. And there’ll be plenty. It’s an excellent “first stop” on your Cuautla tour. While you’re at it, pick up a copy of “THE NEWS”, Mexico’s premiere English language newspaper or, in Spanish, “El Sol de Cuautla”, both on sale just a few steps away at the news stand in front of the restaurant.

The Plaza Galeana

Address: at the corner of Los Bravos and Estrada Bollas

At this shopping plaza and gallery, there are a number of little eateries at budget prices featuring everything from pizza to fried chicken and roast turkey. There are juice bars, ice cream shops and a couple of discos for the teeny-boppers (called “coca-colos” in Spanish). If you’re not sure what you want to eat, or it’s late, just drop by here and stroll around until you find something you like. (to EAT, that is!)

On Los Bravos, the street leading north from the Zocalo to the Plaza Galeana, there are likewise several shops and a couple of fairly good restaurants to tempt your palette.

Rosticero de Pollos

Address: Calle 2 de Mayo and Zemano

(half a block up the street from the Hotel España and one block from the Hotel Colon)

If you’ve never eaten chicken feet or roast chicken necks, here’s the place you can correct that fault. Served piping hot right off the rotisserie, bursting with flavor and CHEAP at 10 pesos for a dozen, it’s an experience you’ll never forget. It’ll make a great story to tell your grandchildren! “Did I ever tell you about the time I ate chicken feet in Cuautla? Zapata’s rebel forces were headquartered just down the road you see, and …”

Jugos Y Tortas Alameda

Address: Galeano at the corner of Ferraro

A veggies-only restaurant that serves such delicious specialties as “Omelet Huitlacoche” and platters of Chilaquiles, nopales (cactus) and an assortment of “tortas” for 7 to 26 pesos. Servings are plentiful and tasty even for non-vegetarians like me. A selection of juices in combinations having medicinal properties are also offered. The juice combinations and their specific benefits are written up on plaques hung around the restaurant walls.

EL Oasis

Address: Galeano between Ramirez and Ferrano

This restaurant is open late for party-goers and the late-night crowd and serves tempting meals at reasonable prices. There’s internet service at a bank of six computers in the rear of the restaurant. Rates are 10 pesos per hour or 6 pesos for 30 minutes. Try their fresh-whipped hot chocolate on a cool Cuautla night for a zesty pick-me-up.

Be sure to check out my other articles in the two continuing series: Teaching English in Mexico and Traveling in Mexico. If you would like more information, have questions or comments, the author can be e-mailed; see address below.

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